Aging and Self-Care

Aging and Self-Care

Do you always practice good self-care? Most people must answer “no” to that question. With endless responsibilities, expectations, and obligations, our own sense of well-being is usually the first thing to fall by the wayside. But what does “self-care” mean, anyways? Self-care is intentionally making choices that allow you to care for yourself on all levels—your body, your mind, and your spirit. That sounds pretty good, right? But then why is it so difficult?

It’s easy to see that Americans are obsessed with youth. This leads us to think that looking healthy means looking youthful. As we age, the challenging task of self-care is made even more difficult to manage as the world constantly pressures everyone to both look and to feel younger. But the key to being happy and caring well for yourself lies in embracing your wisdom and your age.

These simple tips should help get you started on your journey of self-care:

  • Live in the Present

Leaving the past behind to live in the present is a common issue people face at many stages of their lives. More often than not, this relates to a lack of motivation. People tend to over-analyze things when they feel they’re not reaching specific goals they set for themselves.

The most important thing to remember as you go forward in your life is that each component of your journey, including the roadblocks, is essential for your personal growth. Time always moves forwards, never backwards, so growth must happen. It’s inevitable. Be kind to yourself and stay optimistic as you strive to reach what lies ahead for you.

  • View Age as an Advantage

Think about how many times you’ve said, “I’m not young enough to do that!” It’s easy to use age as an excuse to stop trying new things. But don’t! There aren’t any expiration dates on dreams or goals. New worlds of possibilities will open up to you when you learn to perceive your age not as a disadvantage, but instead as proof of success and wisdom. Allow new experiences and paths reconnect your physical, mental, and emotional self.

  • Change Your Attitudes

Just like the rest of society, you should change your attitudes regarding youth and age. Obsessing in the mirror over every new frown line, lamenting every little ache and pain, and feeling regret over past decisions is not healthy. Not only is it not healthy, it’s also ironic. Anxiety and stress will make you age faster! They’re the enemy of good health. You shouldn’t let them rule you. Be sure you set aside some time every day to focus your thoughts on a positive direction to help ground you in the present. Meditation and affirmations can help you achieve this.

With just a bit of effort and intention, you can shift your attitudes about age. This will open up a new realm of possibilities to you. Learning to value the wisdom you gain with each passing year will make the task of taking time for self-care become second nature to you. And this will help you add more years on to your already impressive life!