What Essential Oils to Use to Call Your Angels

What Essential Oils to Use to Call Your Angels

If you want to have a calm body and mind, using essential oils can help you and if you want to have a better way to connect with your guides and your angels, essential oils can help with that as well.

Essential oils are made from different natural materials such as flowers, herbs, leaves, plants, roots, and other pure things.

People for years have used essential oils for spiritual, physical, and mental wellbeing. The spiritual uses of essential oils are to help clear your spaces of any kind of spirits or negativity and they can also be used for meditation and for growth.

Through different cultures and times, essential oils are a way that people can grow spiritually.

Connecting with Angels

Angels are guides that are there to help you and they have pure light. They are able to guide you and help to raise your vibrational frequencies.

You can use essential oils because their vibrations never change. Some of them though will have higher vibrations than other ones and when you use it to put on your skin or to smell it, you can raise your own vibrations and it can help you to reach the angelic realm.

Essential oils can help you if you have certain problems that you need to take care of and just like crystals and other tools, this can help to raise your vibration and to bring healing to you.

Listen to your gut feeling when you are trying to pick an essential oil to help you because they all have different purposes.

Everyone is different and some people feel better with some essential oils, more than others. You can figure out which essential oils you want to use and some of them can help you to connect with the angelic world.

Angel Essential Oils

If you want to have a better chance of connecting with the angels, here are some of the essential oils that are good for this:

  • Frankincense: this is an oil that can help with your vibrations. It can help to calm your body and to build your energy. This oil is also great if you have blockages that need cleared.
  • Geranium: this is an oil that will help to open up your heart chakra and bring you peace. This will help you to have strong intuition and be able to listen to your guides better.
  • Rose: Rose is an essential oil that has a very high vibrational frequency. This will help you to find love and build your energy.
  • Hyssop: this is an oil that can help you to get rid of negative energy in your life. Use this oil to cleanse yourself and it can bring you forgiveness and peace.
  • Myrtle: Myrtle will give you strong energy and will help you to love who you are and to give you forgiveness and harmony.
  • Lavender: This oil is a very popular oil because it helps you to let go of anxiety and stress and will bring you peace and calmness. If you are seeking giftings, this oil can open up your gifts.
  • Angelica: This is an oil that will help you to reach the spirit world.
  • Cedarwood: this essential oil is great when used with meditation and it comes from trees. This can help you to connect with nature and to have more spirit in your life.
  • Sandalwood: If you need your consciousness raised, this is a great oil for that. Meditate and get guidance in your life when you use this oil.
  • Lemon or orange: these oils are great if you are lacking in joy and if you want to call your angels to you.
  • Peppermint: this is an oil that will refresh your spirit and will help you to have dreams where your angels can connect with you.

Other Oils

There are many other oils that are great and powerful, and they can help you to cleanse your soul and to reach your spirit guides and your angels. Some of them include:

  • Sage
  • Clary Sage
  • Palo Santo
  • Myrrh
  • Tea Tree
  • Jasmine
  • Yang Ylang
  • Patchouli
  • Cypress
  • Lemon
  • Cinnamon
  • Grapefruit
  • Wintergreen
  • Basil
  • Cedarwood

There are many different blends that you can use with your essential oils to bring you things such as:

  • Peace
  • Harmony
  • Calmness
  • Calm emotions
  • Relaxation
  • Getting rid of negative energies
  • Spiritual strength
  • Connection
  • Presence

Always make sure that you are using essential oils that are pure and that are high quality so that you get ones that do not have harmful additives.

When you put essential oils on your skin, make sure you know what you are doing because some of them need to be diluted before putting on skin.


Peppermint is a great oil that can help you to be more aware of what is going on around you and can help you to connect to your angels.

Make sure you clear your mind and you let the angels bring you light and love.


Lavender can help you to relax and help you to reach your angels. While you are relaxed, you can ask the angels to give you a sign. This can also help to open up your third eye and your other psychic giftings.


This is an oil that has a very high vibration. It can help you to be in tuned with your spirit and what you need in your life.

How Do Oils Connect with Angels?

Essential oils can help you by opening up your spirit of the spirit world. They can help you to relax and help to raise your vibrations. If you are sensitive to energy, you can feel when your angels are close to you.

Apply the oil to your skin or use a diffuser and allow your angels to come to you. Relax and breathe and wait and as your energy shifts and your vibrations raise, you will see that your angels are close to you.

Whatever oils you use, know that they have high vibrations, and you are raising your vibrations when you use them, and this will help you to connect with the spirit world.

Use your intuition to guide you and to show you what oils to use and what you can do to connect closer to your angel guides.


  1. The explanation of different essential oils and their spiritual benefits is well-structured and informative. It’s interesting to learn that oils like frankincense and lavender have such significant roles in spiritual growth and connectivity.

  2. The notion that using essential oils can help to align one’s energy with the angelic realm offers a unique perspective on traditional spiritual practices. The emphasis on listening to one’s intuition when selecting oils is a noteworthy point.

  3. The detailed breakdown of essential oils and their specific uses is very enlightening. It’s beneficial to know which oils might help with spiritual activities like meditation or connecting with guides. The advice on ensuring the purity of oils is also crucial.

  4. It’s fascinating to see how essential oils, with their unique properties, are incorporated into spiritual practices across various cultures. The idea that these natural substances can influence our vibrational state is quite compelling.

  5. The relationship between essential oils and spiritual practices has been a topic of interest for years. I find it intriguing how different oils are associated with specific vibrational frequencies and their purported ability to connect us with higher realms.


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