How to Let Go and Manifest What You Want in Life


Perhaps you’ve tried many different approaches and techniques to manifest what you want out life…make it come into being. And perhaps nothing has really been working for you. But there may be a few other tools you can use to help you let go and really manifest those desires into being. First, however, you must embrace the notion that you are a creator naturally. And in being a creator, you can bring those wants to life and finally have them manifest.

Raising Your Vibrations/Frequency

It’s time to really get in tune with yourself…to ramp up those good vibes and frequencies. In doing this, you’ll allow yourself to be better in sync to feeling what you desire and receiving those vibes to help strengthen your receptiveness to those wants so they can be further manifested. It’s also important to feel the positivity around you’re and amplify that…really feel the energy behind what you’re trying to manifest. This will help raise your awareness as well as those important vibration/frequency vibes you need to channel.

Meditation is a Key Component

Whether you already meditate daily or maybe just do it occasionally, it’s a key component in breaking through the clutter in your mind and clearing it so that you can truly visualize what you want. It doesn’t even have to be a long meditation. Take five or ten minutes to take in those deep breathes, inhaling the calmness and peace of mind while exhaling the bad thoughts swirling around. Keeping a clear, calm mind will help you better foster those wants and give you a better opportunity to manifest them.

Be Specific About Your Manifestations

You can’t be vague when it comes to what you want out of life. Vagueness and manifestations really don’t go hand in hand. So be specific. What exactly are you trying to manifest into being? Do you have a specific date or time in mind for your manifestation to come to you? Every last detail is important. The more specific you are, the better your chances of the universe hearing you and giving you what you want.

Don’t Obsess Over How Your Manifestations Will Happen

If you’ve properly embraced and enhances your frequency/vibrations, meditated to clear your mind and welcome the manifestations, and have been specific about those manifestations, then there’s no need to keep dwelling over the question of when your wants will actually come to be. If you’re constantly asking when it’s coming or why it isn’t here yet, you’ll be pushing your manifestation away instead of welcoming it. But if you practice all of the steps discussed, then it’s time to relax and be patient. Your wants will arrive in due time. And don’t’ forget to express your gratitude to the universe when it happens!


  1. The article’s advice to avoid obsessing over the ‘how’ and ‘when’ of manifestations is a useful reminder to practice patience and gratitude. It’s a balanced approach to achieving one’s desires.

    • Yes, and the emphasis on gratitude is particularly valuable. It not only aids in manifestation but also enhances overall life satisfaction.

    • I agree. Patience is often overlooked in many self-help discussions, but it’s vital for long-term success and mental well-being.

  2. Being specific about manifestations is a practical piece of advice that can be applied beyond the realm of spirituality. Setting clear goals is universally beneficial, regardless of one’s belief in manifestation.

  3. The article offers a compelling perspective on manifestation techniques. It emphasizes the importance of embracing one’s inherent ability to create and control one’s reality, which is quite intriguing.

  4. Meditation as a tool for clearing the mind and enhancing manifestation is well-noted. However, I would appreciate more detailed, evidence-based discussions on its efficacy in this context.

  5. The notion of raising one’s vibrations and frequencies to better align with desired outcomes is a fascinating concept. It would be interesting to explore the scientific basis—or lack thereof—behind such practices.


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