Difference Between A Good Psychic and A Fraud


   It’s a sad, but true, fact that not all psychic readers you find on the internet are honest. Worst, some of them are desperate people wanting to make a living out of making people miserable or lying to them. At best, some psychic readers are genuine people who have an interest in the psychic world but no real psychic ability. 

Well-meaning psychics

Some clairvoyants are well-meaning people that have a genuine interest in helping others. However, a caring, compassionate nature is just one skill a psychic needs to have. Genuine psychic ability is, of course, the number one skill a medium should possess.

It’s all very well being able to provide sympathy and common sense advice, but if a person is offering a psychic service, they need to be able to back up that claim with true ability. Understanding the ways in which psychics’ work is key to spotting a fake reader from a genuine psychic.

Psychic development information is now more available than ever; there are literally hundreds of books written about how to develop psychic skills or how to read tarot cards. However, a true psychic is usually born with the ability to read people. While many accurate clairvoyants do take steps to advance their abilities, most discovered their talents at a relatively early age and will have a proven track record.

Being interested in divination and wanting to be psychic is different from genuinely possessing psychic gifts. A reader who doesn’t have real abilities won’t be able to give you a satisfactory reading; you may receive some sound advice, but if real ability is not there then all you will have done is spent your money on guidance from a well-meaning person, you won’t have received a genuine reading.

Psychic or intuitive?

Many psychic readers are open and up-front about their abilities, some tarot card readers, for example, will explain in their profile that they interpret tarot cards using their knowledge of the tarot and their intuition alone. While it is true that many tarot card readers have true psychic abilities, as well as the ability to read and interpret the cards, the fact is that anyone can learn to read the tarot.

Other readers that are honest about the type of readings they offer may describe themselves as spiritual counselors; they give advice using their intuitive skills and their in-depth spiritual knowledge. If a spiritual reading is something you want at a certain time in your life, then all is well; however, if you want a reading that provides you with psychic information you should give this type of reading a miss, to avoid disappointment.

Psychic scammers

In the worst case, a fake psychic reader is a scammer; a fraud that wants to part you with your money for their own financial gain. This kind of person may try to paralyze you with fear, so that you’ll keep coming back to them with your hard-earned cash.

Watch out for psychics who offer to break curses for a fee, or ones who make you feel afraid. Sometimes these psychics use subtle language that steadily puts you down and makes you lose confidence in your own judgment. They may also infuse their readings with negative suggestions that make you feel that there is something wrong with you and the way you handle life’s events.

We all experience low points in our lives and sometimes it can feel as if we haven’t caught a break in months, even years. It’s easy to attach too much meaning to difficult periods in our lives by thinking that we must have been hexed or be caught up in the grip of negative influences.

This type of ‘psychic’ is not giving your psychic information, they are making things up to try to control and con you. A good reading with a genuine psychic should leave you feeling uplifted and more in control of your future.

So, how do you work out who is genuinely psychic and who is a phony? How do you spot a fake reader?

Things to look out for in fake a psychic reader

General statements: Watch out for statements that could be true for everyone on the planet. Statements like “You’ve been through some hard times, haven’t you?” are just too vague; the majority of people have experienced times in their life that have been difficult. Also, look out for statements such as “I see an older relative, a grandparent or great-grandparent in spirit who is watching out for you”. Let’s face it, most people have an older relative who has passed on, a statement like this is not a demonstration of genuine psychic perception.

Fishing for information: To some extent a psychic reading is a two-way communication process; it is better not to try to ‘test’ a psychic by giving them deliberately false information about yourself to see if they pick up on this. However, a psychic that seems to be fishing for information from you may not have genuine ability. If they keep asking you questions that end with, ‘does this mean anything to you?’ they are fishing. A real psychic should be able to tell you exactly why they are receiving that information.

Backtracking: Look out for psychics who try to recover from information they have given you that is wrong. For example, if a psychic says that they see you’re in a relationship, but you’re, in fact, single, they might begin to backtrack by saying that they are picking up on a previous relationship or one that may be in your future. Again, most people have at least one previous relationship, and if you’re single at the moment it’s more than likely that you’ll have a relationship at some time in the future.

Making things fit: A psychic who tries to make the information they tell you ‘fit’ with the things you reveal about yourself, throughout the course of the reading, is not demonstrating accurate psychic ability. Likewise, trying to make their statements fit in any way possible is also a sign that your reader may be trying to fake it. Statements like, “Does the letter J mean anything to you? It doesn’t? Well, someone with a name beginning with a J will play an important part in your future” are just too general to be accurate.

Scaremongering: If a clairvoyant tries to convince you that you have been cursed or that the only way to avoid a run of bad luck is to keep on seeking their advice, i.e. give them more money, then end all contact with that person immediately. A real psychic empowers you, and helps you to find the best way forward. Fake readers try to scare people to guarantee that they’ll keep coming back to them. There is no such thing as a curse or permanent bad luck, do not give away your power to a person who is trying to scam you, the future is not set in stone. You have the power to create your own future.


  1. I appreciate the detailed breakdown of what to look out for in psychic readings. It’s essential for people to be aware of these red flags to avoid being misled.

  2. It is noteworthy how the article highlights the difference between well-meaning intuitive advice and genuine psychic ability. This distinction can help people set their expectations correctly when seeking psychic services.

  3. The inclusion of both well-meaning yet non-psychic readers and outright scammers gives a balanced view of what one might encounter in the realm of psychic readings. It is an insightful read.

  4. This article serves as a good guide on how to navigate the world of psychic readings. It clearly outlines how to differentiate authentic practitioners from those that might be exploiting vulnerable individuals.

  5. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the distinctions between genuine psychics and those who may be less trustworthy. The emphasis on recognizing general statements and scaremongering tactics is particularly useful.


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