Marriage may not be as simple as you thought but rather, the individuals who place exertion into their marriage will be compensated with life span, fulfillment, and development with the one you adore.
Being the best partner possible is not always easy. At times it’s not fair. At times it hurts; it can be lonely. It involves choosing to love your partner whether he or she deserves it or not. It involves continuing the initial vows you made when you began your marriage.
Here are little ways you can strengthen your marriage:
- Start each day with a kiss.Decide to begin the day with love.
- Wear your wedding ring at all times.Let it be a visual reminder of your commitment.
- Go on a date with your spouse once a week.Even if it’s just for coffee, dedicate time for the two of you.
- Accept differences.Try to remember that once you thought your spouse’s idiosyncrasies were cute. Your chances of changing them are slim, so decide to live with them.
- Be polite.Are you more polite to co-workers or store clerks than you are to the one you love? Practice good manners at home.
- Be gentle.Harsh words and actions have no place in your home. Choose to be kind to those you love and who love you.
- Give gifts.While diamonds are a girl’s best friend, a card, a single rose, a favorite candy bar can also do the trick.
- Smile often.Put on a happy face and let it determine your disposition. Remember how meaningful the glances were which you once gave each other.
- A pat on the back or a soft caress of the cheek can show love and connection.
- Talk about dreams.Get your conversation beyond coordinating schedules and talking about the kids. Take time to talk about ideas and dreams.
- Give back rubs.Another day you’ll be on the receiving end.
- Laugh together.Find something daily to share a laugh about. Life is complete with laughter.
- Do what your spouse wants before being asked.Anticipate your spouse’s needs and jump right in to help. Put his or her needs before your own comfort.
- You don’t have to solve problems, just be an active listener. Turn off the TV, put down the newspaper, and give your spouse your full attention.
- The best way to give support is to encourage your spouse to do his or her best, to feel confident, or accomplish great things.
- Call your spouse.Check in with each other throughout the day – just to say Hi orI love you.
- Hold hands.Take a walk or watch TV while holding hands.
- Look your best.Comfort doesn’t have to be socks and a T-shirt for bed every night.
- Almost as good as I love you is I’m sorry, forgive me. Marriage isn’t a game where you keep score. It’s not important who’s right.
- Ask,What can I do to make you happier? You may be surprised at how simple it is to please your spouse.
- Reminisce about your favorite times together.Talk about special times you shared, and create new times together.
- Pray for your spouse daily.Don’t let a day go by without praying for your marriage, your spouse, and your family.
- Watch sunsets together.Find the beauty in life and share it.
- End each day with a hug.Decide to end the day with love.
Some of these suggestions, like starting and ending the day with affection, are simple but impactful. It highlights how consistent, small efforts can contribute to a lasting marriage.
The idea of giving without expecting something in return and putting your partner’s needs first can strengthen the bond significantly. Marriage indeed requires selflessness and dedication.
The importance of politeness and gentleness towards one’s partner is often underestimated. Treating each other with respect and kindness can lay the foundation for a resilient relationship.
The article provides practical advice for maintaining a strong marriage. I appreciate the emphasis on small, yet meaningful gestures that can make a significant difference in a relationship.
I found the focus on active listening and being present for your partner particularly resonant. In our fast-paced world, taking the time to genuinely connect is crucial.